The 9 Paradigms

Refers to the nine areas of expertise required for a business to reach its full potential. A successful business often employs experts or departments to manage all nine areas.

Unfortunately expanding businesses often find they have neither the capacity nor the resources required to manage all nine areas.

It is nem's view that the vast majority of businesses are operated by owners and managers who are experts in three of the nine areas. They do not usually require assistance from nem in these areas.

In a further three areas they are not experts but are usually capable and have satisfactory arrangements in place for assistance from existing external service providers. While nem can assist and guide activity in these areas it is generally not where nem finds it can add the most value.

There are usually another three areas where businesses lack visibility and these are the areas where nem can add genuine value.

These areas usually fly under the owners' and managements' radar, creating blockages and issues that are difficult to navigate through.

While the symptoms eventually become obvious to all concerned, the causes still remain elusive and difficult to identify; particularly for those who are close to the business.

nem has developed a unique review process that identifies these three areas and brings them to the attention of the business with the same degree of clarity and understanding as the areas where they are capable. When this is achieved, real value added engagement and outcomes can occur.