Trilogy of Trust

While referrals are often the most reliable sources of new business, the science of referrals is poorly understood. As a team of business consultants, nem relies exclusively upon referrals to generate lead flow and client activity.

Over the years nem has developed a proven approach for generating referrals. This is based on the experience of its partners, wide ranging reviews of existing research & literature and independent Doctoral-based research. 

This approach is referred to as the 'Trilogy of Trust'. When respected and applied genuinely, a constant flow of leads will evolve from a network. 

The dynamics of the Trilogy of Trust are so powerful that you should never have to feel as though you are selling services or products. If you genuinely master the approach, leads should appear automatically.

Most businesses develop sound client relationships over a period of time. A sound relationship is a two-way relationship; one of mutual respect and trust. The highest risk to a sound relationship is the referral of another service or product provider; irrespective of whether this is an internal or external party.  

Unfortunately under some circumstances recipients of referrals often have their own agendas, motives and fail to respect the referrers existing relationship. Understanding the concept of the Trilogy of Trust enables you to participate in an increasing network - referral process.

Where trust and respect are developed and the referred party meets or exceeds the expectations , the existing relationship becomes stronger and survives many more challenges than a standard two-way relationship.  

The Trilogy of Trust will expand referral lead flow exponentially. As such it has been likened to the tetrahedron, one of the strongest man made structures.